King Henry Viii King Henry Viii Family Tree
Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry 7
It all began with her…. Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry Tudor and descendant of King Edward Three.
Her descent was actually illegitimate, through Edward III's son, John of Gaunt and his mistress Catherine Swynford. Though Gaunt later married Swynford and an act of government legitimized their children, they were expressly forbidden to inherit the throne past Gaunt'southward legitimate son, Male monarch Henry 4. Margaret bore her merely kid, who became King Henry Seven, at the age of thirteen. While the York and Lancaster branches of the royal family battled for the throne, her husband died and her blood brother-in-law fled to Brittany with the young Henry. His long exile ended on 15 Baronial 1485 when Rex Richard 3 was defeated at Bosworth Field. The Plantagenet dynasty, having ruled England since 1154, ended in strife and the Tudor dynasty began.
Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond; later titled King Henry Vii
son of Edmund Tudor and Margaret Beaufort
born 28 January 1457 at Pembroke Castle, Wales
claimed championship of Henry 7, king of England c.1484
alleged king 22 August 1485 at Battle of Redmoor Plain/Bosworth Field
coronation xxx Oct 1485 at Westminster Abbey, London
married to Elizabeth Plantagenet, princess of England, on 18 Jan 1486 at Westminster Abbey, London
Eight Children with Elizabeth Plantagenet:
Arthur, prince of Wales, born 20 September 1486
Margaret, built-in 28 Nov 1489
Henry VIII, king of England, born 28 June 1491
Elizabeth, built-in 2 July 1492; died 1495
Mary, born eighteen March 1496
Edmund, duke of Somerset, born 21 February 1499; died 1500
Edward ?
Katherine, born and died 2 February 1503
died 22 Apr 1509 at Richmond Palace, Surrey
buried at the Henry Vii 'Lady Chapel', Westminster Abbey, London
Princess Elizabeth Plantagenet, also called Elizabeth of York
daughter of Edward Iv, king of England & Queen Elizabeth Woodville
born 11 Feb 1466 at Westminster Palace, London
married to Henry VII, rex of England, on xviii January 1486 at Westminster Abbey, London
Eight Children
Arthur, prince of Wales, born 20 September 1486
Margaret, born 28 November 1489
Henry 8, rex of England, built-in 28 June 1491
Elizabeth, born two July 1492; died 1495
Mary, built-in 18 March 1496
Edmund, duke of Somerset, born 21 February 1499; died 1500
Edward ?
Katherine, born and died ii February 1503
coronation 25 November 1487 at Westminster Abbey, London
died eleven February 1503 at Tower of London, London
cached at the Henry 7 'Lady Chapel', Westminster Abbey, London
Prince Arthur of Wales
born 20 September 1486 at St. Swithin'due south Priory, Winchester
titled Prince of Wales 27 February 1490, Westminster Palace, London
married to Princess Katharine of Aragon on 14 November 1501 at St.Paul'due south Cathedral, London
died 2 April 1502 at Ludlow Castle, Shropshire
buried at Worcester Cathedral
Princess Margaret Tudor; later titled queen of Scots
born 28 November 1489 at Westminster Palace, London
married to James Stuart, titled Rex James IV of Scotland, 8 August 1503 at Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh
titled Queen of Scotland 8 August 1503 at Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh
Six Children with King James IV of Scotland:
James of Rothesay, duke of Rothesay, born 21 February 1507
daughter, built-in 15 July 1508
Arthur, knuckles of Rothesay, built-in twenty October 1509
James, later King James Five of Scotland, born fifteen April 1512
daughter, built-in November 1512
Alexander, duke of Ross, built-in 30 Apr 1514
widowed 1513
married to Archibald Douglas, sixth earl of Angus, on 4 August 1514 at Kinnoul Church
One Child with Archibald Douglas:
Margaret, Lady Douglas, born 1515
divorced 1528
married to Henry Stewart, Lord Methven I, on 3 March 1528
One Kid with Henry Stewart:
Lady Dorothea Stewart, built-in ?
Prince Henry Tudor, duke of York; later titled King Henry VIII
born 28 June 1491 at Greenwich Palace, London
titled Male monarch of England 24 June 1509 at Westminster Abbey, London
married to Katharine of Aragon, princess of Kingdom of spain, on eleven June 1509 at Gray Friars Church, Greenwich
Six Children with Katharine of Aragon:
daughter, born 31 January 1510
Henry (1), duke of Cornwall, born 1 January 1511
Henry (two), duke of Cornwall, built-in Nov 1513
son, born December 1514
Mary, later on titled Mary I, queen of England, built-in 18 February 1516
girl, born 10 November 1518
marriage annulled 1533
married to Anne Boleyn, marquess of Pembroke, on 25 Jan 1533 at Westminster, London
Three Children with Anne Boleyn:
Elizabeth I, queen of England, born vii September 1533
Henry, duke of Cornwall, born 1534
son, built-in 29 January 1536
marriage annulled 1536
married to Jane Seymour on xx May 1536
1 Kid with Jane Seymour:
Edward, afterwards titled Edward Vi, king of England, born 12 October 1537 at Hampton Courtroom Palace
widowed 24 October 1537 at Hampton Court Palace
married to Anne of Cleves on 6 Jan 1540 at Greenwich Palace
spousal relationship annulled 1540
married to Catherine Howard on 28 July 1540 at Hampton Court Palace
marriage annulled 1541
married to Katharine Parr on 12 July 1543 at Hampton Court Palace
died 28 Jan 1547 at Whitehall Palace, London
buried at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle
Elizabeth Stafford – no children
Elizabeth Blount, chosen Bessie Blount
Ane kid with Elizabeth Blount:
Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, built-in 1519
Princess Mary Tudor, queen of France and duchess of Suffolk
born xviii March 1496 at Richmond Palace, Surrey
married to King Louis XII of France on 9 October 1514 at Abbeville Cathedral, France
widowed 1514
married to Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, on 3 March 1515 in Paris
Iii Children
Henry, earl of Lincoln, built-in 11 March 1515
Frances, born 16 July 1517
Eleanor, born 1519
died 25 June 1533 at Westhorpe Hall, Suffolk
buried at St. Mary's Church building, Coffin St. Edmunds
Katharine of Aragon, princess of Spain
last child of Ferdinand of Aragon, king of Espana & Isabella, queen of Castle
born 15 December 1485 at Alcala de Henares, Madrid
married to Arthur, prince of Wales, on 14 November 1501 at St. Paul's Cathedral, London
widowed 2 April 1502 at Ludlow Castle, Shropshire
married to Henry VIII, male monarch of England, on 11 June 1509 at Grey Friars Church, Greenwich
Half dozen Children
girl, born 31 January 1510
Henry (1), duke of Cornwall, born i January 1511
Henry (2), duke of Cornwall, born Nov 1513
son, born Dec 1514
Mary I, queen of England, born 18 February 1516
daughter, born 10 Nov 1518
marriage annulled 1533
died 7 January 1536 at Kimbolton Castle
buried at Peterborough Cathedral
Anne Boleyn, marquess of Pembroke
built-in nigh 1501/ii or 1507 at Blickling Hall, Norfolk
titled marquess of Pembroke on 1 September 1532
married to Henry VIII, king of England, on 25 Jan 1533 at Westminster Abbey, London
Three Children
Elizabeth I, queen of England, born 7 September 1533
Henry, duke of Cornwall, built-in 1534
son, born 29 January 1536
marriage annulled 1536
executed 19 May 1536 at Tower Green, Tower of London
buried at the Chapel of St. Peter advertizement Vincula, Tower of London
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